Thursday, December 6, 2012

Grandma's Red Hot Salad

Friends are always asking me for the recipe for Grandma Lucille’s Red Hot Salad. She made it for every family holiday gathering since I can remember until she passed away. I have kept the tradition alive through the years. It’s easy to make – which is even better since I am not that good with recipes!
You’ll need:
  • 2 boxes of cherry jello
  • 1 med sized jar of good applesauce (don’t get store brand because it’s usually too runny)
  • 1 bag of Brach’s red hots or cinnamon imperials – they melt best

    Boil 1 1/2 cups of water and add about 2/3 of the bag of red hots to it (more if you like it real cinnamonny) Take it off the heat or they’ll stick while they melt and stir til the red hots have dissolved.

    Add the red hot mixture to the jello in a good sized bowl. When you add the applesauce be sure to spoon it in carefully – if you dump it in you’ll have quite a mess and it won’t set up even. Stir it a bit to make sure the applesauce blends with the Jello and then let it set up as usual. I serve it as a side dish but it makes a great snack or desert with some Cool Whip on top.