Saturday, December 22, 2012

Bang! You're Dead

Since the horrific shootings in Connecticut there has been much discussion about how it could have been prevented. One of the most floated ideas from many of my friends who own guns (full disclosure, I won 4 handguns) is to arm the teachers. The NRA tells us the "only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun." Okay...let's test that theory.
I can shoot the hell out of skeet with a shotgun and nearly hit the same hole each time with my .36 at a shooting range. But put me in a situation like those portrayed here in the video and I'm not sure I could do much better. It's not that I don't think there would be times when a gun in the hands of a good guy might be a good idea. But as we can see here it's not the answer to our problem. No one is advocating banning handguns, no one is coming to take your hunting rifle. But to just arm "good guys" will nilly? Watch the video again ad tell me THAT'S the answer.

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