Wednesday, June 27, 2012

I'm Melting - Already

Yesterday my Godson came by for "chore day". He did something he wasn't supposed to do. In order to repay me he spent the day with me doing household chores.
I had a list of things I wanted to get done for a while and thought it would be great to have him help me.
But cleaning out the garage in 102 degree heat just wasn't going to happen. I did however need to get the new wine rack painted - I wish I had chosen the blue now. Oh well...
It couldn't be done in the house and the AC so we opened the garage, turned on the ceiling fan out there I installed when we had lots of friends who smoked and weren't allowed to smoke in the house and we painted. I guess we really melted. Wow! We should have done our best Wicked Witch of the West imitation.

So as summer slams down on us all keep a few things in the front of your mind. Like how to recognize heat stroke and how to choose the best sunscreen and don't think that heat index is just another silly thing weathermen talk about - it's serious and can kill you.

Any advice you have for would be chore boys in this heat, leave in the comment section.

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