Wednesday, June 13, 2012

You Dropped This

Remember this ad from 1970? I remember it vividly and it changed my life. I became much more concerned with the environment and my ability to keep it clean.

As an 8 year old kid it was empowering to know there was something I could do to change the world.

Don't litter it!

Even to this day I am careful not to toss stuff out my truck window and I've recycled for almost 20 years. No, I'm not out saving the oceans or sleeping in trees to keep them from logging. But I do what I do and every so often I am reminded it's so much more than many.
Monday I was walking out of the grocery store..with my re-usable grocery bags! I was loading them into my vehicle when I noticed the guy in the car parked next to me.
It was a small car and the window was down and the music was fairly loud. A young man, maybe 25, poked his hand out the open window and dropped several pieces of folded up paper.
They nearly hit my feet so I'm glad it wasn't a partially consumed soda.

It was one of those moments that instinct kicked in because you never know how someone will respond when their personal space is invaded these days. But I took the chance and reached down and picked up the papers. I dropped them back inside his car window and said:

Here, let me get this for you.

He may have dropped it back out the window after I pulled away.

But then again he may think twice about the strange middle aged woman who threw his garbage back in at him at the HEB.

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